Featurizing Drupal Commerce configuration - Commerce features
I was moving some Drupal Commerce work from a local development environment to an integration and staging server this week, and realized that Commerce really does lack in its ability to have configuration featurized. I found the Commerce features module, which initially seemed like it would be quite helpful. Unfortunately, most of the commerce configuration that I was looking at is not featurizable using this module.
What I needed to featurize were shipping services created through the UI exposed from the Commerce flat rate module, payment method configuration (rules) for some custom payment methods I created, and the placement and order of checkout panes. None of these three configurations currently appear to be featurizable, however, there are open issues for two of them.
I'm hoping to be able to find some time to contribute to the ability to featurize Commerce configuration, either in my spare time, or through client sponsored support. It appears, through reading Features Integration Checklist that there is currently some discussion around making configuration cTools exportable, so that there is no reliance on Features directly.