New release of the AntiSpam module for Drupal 7
I recently became the maintainer of the AntiSpam module. I've been using the module for about a year, and have been dealing with an annoying bug the entire time.
Today I released AntiSpam 7.x-1.2. This is a simple update from 7.x-1.1. The primary bug that is resolved is #1235538: Antispam recognises spam, publishes regardless. If you had 7.x-1.1 running on a site where Anonymous users could publish comments without moderation, then the AntiSpam module would fail to unpublish the comments that it identified as spam. With 7.x-1.2 Anonymous users can have the ability to publish comments without moderation, and the AntiSpam module will unpublish those that are considered spam.
I am happy to address other bugs and feature requests, please let me know in the module's issue tracker what you would find useful.